If you are facing daily unwanted mail, spam, junk mail in your Hotmail account or
perhaps a persistent relative or acquaintance who won't stop sending you"cute" stuff. 
Hotmail program provides an easy way to block them. Spam can be not annoying but also dangerous to consumers. there's no reason to manually delete every unwanted message you may get. In fact,
Hotmail built-in filters that are probably removing a lot of your spam messages before you even see them.
Some other way Hotmail program provides an easy way to block them. You want to block the unwanted
  email or spam in Hotmail account. then you need the change some settings in own account.
In Hotmail service provide authority to do that. The simple and quickest way to deal with unwanted
email is to place to blocker's sender on a Block list.
Follow these steps:
  1. Open the message you want to block
  2. Click Options
  3. Click Blocked Senders
  4. Add the sender to the block sender list
  5. Read and Except term and condition
  6. Click the "Enter a sender or domain here" field
  7. Type in a sender's email address
  8. Press ↵ Enter
  9. Click Save
After that feel free to read your mail without any disturbance.
But one more thing if you want to check blocked sender's emails then you should go to block list,
and click the sender link. Then you can read and check all past mail by the block sender in past.
You are using the Hotmail on other operating system or platform. Maybe you don't have block list option or lack of block list feature.
Then you have to use the feature that filters email or creates a mail rule. create a rule that a sender’s identity or domain, and then redirect
any message form that user.
